January 3, 2016

St.George trip Giveaway

After spending a few weeks giving away some of my favorite things, I want to add one more thing to the list . . . but first I want to tell you all the reasons why it has become one of my favorites.

This past week has been unforgettable. We took off early one morning, and—despite being stuck on a snowy freeway that was closed for over two hours —continued on the long journey to St. George. Driving towards warmer weather was our motivation, but also to get away as a family.

All of our road trips, up to this point, have been to visit extended family or speaking engagements and interviews. So this time, we had no schedule—nobody waiting for us to arrive—just the eight of us.

It was so relaxing. Some days we just hung out by the pools all day, other days we got dressed up and went to a nice dinner. We literally had no itinerary, and no expectations.

And the location, and the view, could not be beat. The resort was about five minutes outside of St. George, but felt like we were in the most beautiful oasis of desert views with plateaus, red rock, and behind those were majestic Utah Mountains that seemed to touch the sky.

Yet, five minutes away we could buy an In and Out burger or Chick-fil-A. (Burger for Shawn, nuggets for me)

We had a three-bedroom suite. The four girls had a room with double queen bunk beds, and a big queen bed room for the boys. The master bedroom had it’s own jetted tub, and king size bed, and a closet bigger than mine at home.

The fireplace in the living room was cozy, and the TV was fully loaded with Net Flix, and cable, and all the shows anyone would want to watch.  The kitchen was elegant, and equipped with all the kitchen appliances and cookware we needed.

All around, it was like being at home on vacation. Shawn was happy our car was parked in a covered garage, and I was happy that the patio overlooked the mountains and it had a laundry room to get caught up every day. The kids were happy that the outdoor pool was heated. They played marco polo while bouncing back and forth between the indoor pool and the fresh air outside.

Today I am excited to partner with Coral Springs Resort for another favorite things giveaway. Coral Springs Resort would love to provide a two-day luxury get away for one of the special readers of The Moments We Stand. A two-night stay for you and your family—or friends—or who ever you decide to take with you!!

***Here is how it works.***
 I want to hear your resolutions. What do you want to accomplish this year. How are you going to make yourself better for your family, your friends, your employment, and yourself. What are you going to contribute this year to make our world a better place? Who is the person you want to become in 2016, and what goals are going to get you there?

Leave me your name and your goals in the comments section of this post. I can only pick one winner, but I am excited to be inspired by your comments. Happy 2016. Lets make this year the best one yet. I will chose a winner next Saturday! 

Here is the video highlight of our trip!! Once again, I can’t thank Coral Springs Resort enough for their generosity—amazing service, top notch amenities, beautiful location and overall cleanliness and beauty. I am excited to be able to share this opportunity for one of you to enjoy the serene beauty and leisure this resort has to offer.

Anyone who signs up for this giveaway, please email your friends or tag them on facebook and Instagram so we can share the opportunity!!


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Unknown said...

Sounds like a great trip!!!
I would LOVE to visit! ;)

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

I know it's cliche but I want to get healthy, exercise more. Be in a better place physically so I can be there for my kids.

Heather said...

I am going to look for the good in everyone & everything. I am going to be more positive and focus on what I have rather than what I don't. My motto for 2016 is "The best is yet to come"

Sheri said...

I want to slow down in the everyday rush and enjoy life. We are a very busy family that's always on the go and rush rush rush. However I love the time that my kids are stuck in the car and we can talk! But I'm draining myself by always saying yes. I'm not going to over book myself! I will take time for myself each day so I can fill my bucket therefore I can give what is needed and stay good because my bucket won't be empty. That is a huge goal for me!!!!

Amber maddy said...

My goals are to be more present in life and less active on social media. Focus on bringing out the positive in negative situations. Thank you for sharing your story!

Unknown said...

Jodi is my name and my new year goal is to love myself a little more and to make more time for family time! I'm a single mom of 3 and you inspire me so much! Thank you!

Amy said...

2016 goal: To stand a little taller in all I do - work, family, my marriage, exercise, meals, the gospel. Just to try a little harder to be a little better and help others on this journey of life. ��

fish family said...

I am going to find more energy and get to the gym. I am trying to find at least 1 good deed to do for someone a day. I am going to try not to judge someone and try to see things in their shoes. I want to develope a better relationship with my spouse after lots of trials that has affected us because of choices he made. I want to have more patients with my kids and go with out electronics for 3 hours a day (that is the start and to work my way up to more). I would like to go on a vacation this year with the family and spend time with them. I want to accept change. Not worry about things.

cmerkley said...

I want to be able to serve others more, I believe that serving others would have such a big impact on my family and I. I also want to exercise and eat healthier so I can be a better me. Also so I can be a better me for my kids. The last thing I want to do is use less social media and spend more time being in the moment wether it be playing with my kids or being productive doing other things. This would be such a nice break to receive this awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

My goals are to prepare better financially. Enjoy my kids and family more enjoying all of my time with them even the "hard" moments. Taking time for myself remembering that as a mother I'm important too and deserve to do the things I enjoy as well!

Seven Times Lucky said...

I want to focus on my family! Read scriptures and other books daily, give my kids more of my time at bedtime instead of rushing through the routine, spend the time to actually date my husband, do wholesome quality activities more often, teach them to be more service oriented, and be a member missionary! Annie Schreyer

Anonymous said...

My goal is to be more present in life. xo

Jennifer Zadnik said...

Jennifer Zadnik. My resolution this year is to become healthier, both physically and spiritually. My 3yr old daughter was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Through this journey I have turned to the Lord for much guidance and support. I would like to help my family to become healthier & attend church more frequently to help us support my daughter throughout her treatment.

afoulger said...

My name is Anna Heugly. My goals are to 2) be positive every single day no matter what is thrown my way 2) live in the moment with my 3 tiny boys and husband 3) take my business to the next level 4) most importantly, grow spiritually and read my scriptures daily instead of weekly. It's been a rough year and getting way with my family to recharge would be unbelievable :) you are so inspiring Ashlee!

Unknown said...

My goals this year include being the best version of myself by getting in shape and getting organized, Building our food storage and couponing, and spending more quality time with my kids. I'm a stay at home mom of toddlers so I want to spend more time teaching them stead of focusing on cleaning my house �� Also, a goal of mine is to date my husband ��

Unknown said...

Wow our family would love this getaway! I want to be more patient. Patient with my kids, husband and job. I want to be more Christ like. I want to be less easily offended. I want to have more happiness and kindness in my home. I also want to eat better and continue working out and taking better care of myself.

The Chezik Family said...

Jill Chezik My goals are broken down by month, so that I don't get too overwhelmed. So my goals for January are FHE Weekly, Monthly date night with my husband, read one book, and read a chapter in the scriptures everyday.

Brooke Strickland said...

My goal is try to have a positive attitude all the time. This world is so negative and if everyone had a better attitude we would all be a lot happier.

dj said...
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Unknown said...

My goals are to be more present in everything I do and to exercise at least 4 times a week.

Kallie said...

My goals are to spend more time with my kids and to be a healthier person all around.

dj said...

I am I am excited and nervous for this upcoming year. I am going back to school full time and so my biggest goal is to keep my family as close as I can during this year and to maintain a personal relationship with each of them in spite of the craziness. I want to do this by holding family prayer and scripture every day and family home evening and family counsel every week. I want family dinners every night. I want to date my husband every week. I want to serve with my kids in the soup kitchen every month.i want to teach my children to always be kind and see how they can help and contribute in this world. I want to magnify my church calling and stay in shape. I also have the goal of hiking Angels Landing at Zions. I hiked half of it and chickened out last year, so my husband and I want to retry this year and finish. This would be the perfect place to stay while we do that :). I know that to accomplish all this I need the help of my Savior and to maintain a strong personal relationship with him. I am so proud of you! Thank you for being an example to me. Emily Huber

Suzi said...

My resolutions are to not yell at my kids, pray and read my scriptures more, less phone usage, eat less crap, give more to others in need. Thx for being so inspiring!

Suzi said...

My resolutions are to not yell at my kids, pray and read my scriptures more, less phone usage, eat less crap, give more to others in need. Thx for being so inspiring!

McKenzie Johnson said...

My goal is to stay positive and not let the things of the world get to me and bring me down. In other words rely on the Lord more!

Sam and Janiece said...

Having been in school full time from August 2012 to August 2014 to fulfill my dream of becoming a nurse anesthetist with 2 little kids at that time, then working full time to pay off the student loans over the last year with now 3 little kids, I recently cut back my work schedule to 2 days a week so that I can spend some much needed time with my family. My goal for this year is to make some good memories with my family so a vacation like this would def help! I love reading your story by the way!
Janiece Miller

Sarah said...

I have many resolutions. Most importantly I would like to grow spiritually. I know that in the past when I've been close to the spirit I'm a better wife and mother. I also want to get healthy and fit as that makes me a better mother as well. I love reading your story you have inspired me more then you'll ever know. My Instagram account is crbbherb don't want to add my full name on here

Devri Granados said...

My goal is to be kinder to myself. I tend to be hard on myself whether it be physical comments about my appearance or about how I mother, keep my house, get enough done, spiritually feeding myself enough daily, my wifely characteristics, etc. This year I'm going to try my best and at the end of the day instead of picking apart the things I feel I didn't do good enough or fast enough, I'm going to encourage myself that I did the best I could and remember each day brings new beautiful adventures. I wasn't crrated to be perfect on this earth, I need to remind myself that while I might be striving for that, my true goal is to follow He who is perfect and all else will fall in place with my best efforts. - Devri Granados

Stephanie said...

Well life is so busy raising a family and this year I want to make each moment count! To reflect and take time to enjoy the simple things with my husband and kids. I really want to start by journaling and taking more candid photos so that I won't forget. Also trying to put my phone down and really live my life for me!

Alisha Bowling said...

My "resolution" this year is pretty simple, and yet so complicated. It is to find myself in me again. To find happiness in myself. And to learn to love myself as I am today...not waiting for a future version of myself, or dreaming of a past version of myself.

I truly love your story and following your journey through social media. Thanks for being brave enough to share.

J said...

This week I am going to have my third baby and it has taken us a long time to get her here. My resolution is to enjoy every moment with her and my two boys and not worry about the things that are not important. I want to be positive in all I do too.

Unknown said...

I need this trip so bad! My goals are to be a better mother.. more patient, play more, and speak kinder to them! And to take better care of myself- mentally, physically, and emotionally. I've had a really rough few years and it's time to change and take care of myself! I can't take care of my family if I'm not well myself! And lastly better myself spiritually. Pray more, study the gospel more, and be grateful more!


How awesome! My goals are to be more patient, not yell, be the best me I can be, grow spiritually, and of course be healthier and lose a few pounds!

Unknown said...

What a blessing and wonderful way to start off the new year. Your an inspiration to so many��

Lyss said...

My name is Alyssa. My resolution is to put hanging out with my family first and letting go of a perfectly clean house more!

Heather McDonald said...
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Heather McDonald said...
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Heather McDonald said...
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Heather McDonald said...
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Unknown said...

I have been studying the Word of Wisdom over the past couple months and I believe we miss out on blessings by not following the "do's" of the revelation closely. I've got the "don'ts" down, but strongly believe the "do's" will improve my energy and well-being. My goal is to incorporate a whole foods plant based lifestyle according to the Word of Wisdom guidelines so I may reap the benefits and blessings of such a life. To run and not be weary, to walk and not faint. To have the destroying Angel pass over me. With those blessings I in turn hope to use my energy and gifts to inspire others and serve others, as God would have me do.

April said...

I have never been one to be organized...and I it causes me stress!! I would like to get more organized and start planning ahead to plan meals and cook healthy foods for my family. My kids love home-cooked meals, but because I'm not good about planning ahead, and life gets in the way, I rarely cook. I feel it is my job as a mom to be able to give them some great meals, and have that sacred family time around the dinner table, to bond and share with each other the happenings in our lives. I'd also love to get out more in nature and do things as a family. I'd love for us to go on hikes together and see all of the beautiful places that Utah has to offer, without having to spend a lot of money. I know that those kinds of outings would make the best memories!

Unknown said...

I have been studying the Word of Wisdom over the past couple months and I believe we miss out on blessings by not following the "do's" of the revelation closely. I've got the "don'ts" down, but strongly believe the "do's" will improve my energy and well-being. My goal is to incorporate a whole foods plant based lifestyle according to the Word of Wisdom guidelines so I may reap the benefits and blessings of such a life. To run and not be weary, to walk and not faint. To have the destroying Angel pass over me. With those blessings I in turn hope to use my energy and gifts to inspire others and serve others, as God would have me do.

Chelci Lindsay said...

Every year my husband and I choose a word to focus on for the year. This year my word is simplicity! I want to simplify our home and get rid of distractions and clutter. I want to simplify the things I do that I think I need to just to stay "busy." I don't need to be "busy" I need to be present! As I do this I know it will help me to become a better mom, wife, & friend. I will be less distracted by "things" and become more aware of the feelings and needs of those I love most. As I simplify my life I'm hoping it will bring me closer to my family & Savior. The time I spend with them will be quality time instead of busy time! Thanks for the giveaway! Chelci Lindsay

Heather McDonald said...

My resolution is to love myself! I am going to take time to go to the gym, & then spend my morning, before my kids wake up, with spiritual things & journaling! I made a goal poster & am going to look at it every day! I'm putting up positive words all around the house! The goal is to put in as much positive as negative. The negative comes so quickly & without any effort. Each negative thing I tell myself I'm replacing with 5 positives! If I love myself I'll be the best me for my family, right now everyone can feel that I'm not. When I love myself I'll raise better kids & they can go out in the world & make it a happier place! If I win I'll find a way to not take the kids because in 10 years of marriage my husband & I have never gone on a vacation without the kids!

jillybean said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win, This is a beautiful place in a beautiful city

The Grimmett's said...

My resolution this year is to build stronger relationships with my children. For my littles that means playing one on one with them each day. For my tween that means talking/listening to her daily and trying hard to understand her frustrations and her joys. This is critical this year to build a strong relationship so we can keep lines of communication open heading into her teen years.

Shawna said...

I really don't set resolutions however I pick a word each year and try to focus on that. This year I picked "Giving". I need to give of myself fully, faithfully, and with intention for good. So with that word in mind, I will try to see where I can do the most good and set out to do it. ��

Unknown said...

My goals for the new year are. ..
1. Do something every day to make my relationship with the Savior better and stronger. Examples....scripture study, more prayer, weekly temple attendance, more service, etc... I truly think by doing this it will help me be a better wife, Mother, friend and daughter. Since that is what all my other goals are about, they should all work together well!
2. Do something fun or silly everyday. Smile, laugh and enjoy life!
3. Write in journal.
Well, that is it. My hope is that as I do theses things I can include my family in what I am doing and we can all have more love, peace and joy because of it.
Thank you:)

Audra said...

I want to enjoy my time at home with my children more. As a working mom, I often find myself getting so stressed out about "all the things." I can feel my relationship with my children suffering from this, and I hate to see that happening. So this year, I'm going to make myself chill out a bit. Yes, things need to get done, but nothing is ever as urgent as it seems in the moment. I am determined to make the most of the moments I get with my children so we can work on building lasting relationships, creating trust and understanding, and just having fun!

Tracie said...

I don't really have a resolution but we pick a family theme.

Wendy said...

My resolution is to be happy with who I am and not compare myself to those around me. Embrace my faults and love what talents I have. I also want to spend more quality time with my family.

Cathy J said...

I want to speak more positively. I don't consider myself to be a pessimist but many times listening to me complain and whine you would never know I'm actually an optimist! No one wants to hear about the things I dislike, if I really need to get it out I can talk to God about it. I don't like being around people who always have a negative for every positive and I don't want to be that person so I'm going to get rid of my negative talk, both verbal and mental (actions start with thoughts right?) so here's to a more positive 2016. Cathy

Aubrey said...

This year my goal is to BE PRESENT. Unplug and be there for my littles. In doing this, we're implementing one day a week of unplugging for all of us. Here's hoping our family becomes better and stronger!

Broas Family said...

My word for the year is GRACE. More grace for myself, more grace for my husband, more grace for my children, more grace for my working team. God puts His grace out on us, how much more should we pour it out on others. I would also love to win a much needed trip for our family, it's been a rough year.

Unknown said...

My resolution is to slow down and enjoy the moment. We are busy just like everyone else, but I want to try not to be rushed and take more time to just be present!

bizzymomma said...

My goal is to seek the Lord's will in all area's of my life. My plan to help me accomplish this is to really study the scriptures this year, not just read, but study, and journal my thoughts as I go.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a wonderful, generous opportunity! I have been working on humility and love over the past year and want (need) to continue. I have made physical goals such as more water, more moving and nightly yoga. I have made spiritual goals such as more meaningful prayer & scripture study. I have made emotional goals like daily meditation, time for my hobbies, and regular one on one dates with my kids. Those things fill my cup. I know I need to relax while being lovingly productive and well rounded.

jeanine said...

I have many goals this year... But one is to be more present with my children!

Britt said...

My goal is to take better care of myself. Dedicate some time each week to do something nice for myself. As moms we are often put last, which can put us in ruts. Once I take time for me I should feel a lot better, not so frumpy which I think will help my life overall in every aspect. If I'm feeling good everything else should fall into place. I also want to find time to do more fun things with the kids. It's kind of hard right now since we have cabin fever (it's -6° here right now). Patiently waiting for slightly warmer temps so we can get out of the house and try new things! Happy New Year!!

The Higgs' said...

This last month the goodness of people and the hand of God in all things have really jumped out at me making me so thankful for the beauty surrounding me. It has really made me want to be a kinder, more grateful person so others can see God's goodness through me. Life is beautiful and if we choose to look for the beauty in all things the world is a better place.

Snowbunny said...

Hi, I just want to start off by saying happy new year! My plans this year is to become an all around more patient person and show those that I love just how much they mean to me. I have become a very impatient person over the years and sometimes even a little mean. Saying that out loud brings tears to my eyes..I was always fun going, and laughed a lot but stress and worries to get everything just right, or done right now had made me become something I am not fond of, so how could my love ones be fond of me?? Along the way I hope to find my inner child and let some of my silliness escape and learn to laugh at myself. your blogs are helping me see that every day is a blessing and my new years is going to reflect just how much I love them and happy I am.

Snowbunny said...

Hi, I just want to start off by saying happy new year! My plans this year is to become an all around more patient person and show those that I love just how much they mean to me. I have become a very impatient person over the years and sometimes even a little mean. Saying that out loud brings tears to my eyes..I was always fun going, and laughed a lot but stress and worries to get everything just right, or done right now had made me become something I am not fond of, so how could my love ones be fond of me?? Along the way I hope to find my inner child and let some of my silliness escape and learn to laugh at myself. your blogs are helping me see that every day is a blessing and my new years is going to reflect just how much I love them and happy I am.

Ashlee said...

My goal this year is to make my private business excel. It's been a "side business" for 10 years, but with 5 kids, I need to contribute more to the family funds! I want my children to have the opportunity to do what they love, but that comes at a price. Voice lessons, piano lessons, basketball, football, volleyball, and everything in between becomes quite expensive! :)
I also have some personal goals, which includes getting healthy, (really, who doesn't have that goal ��) becoming closer to Christ and being a more patient mom! None of these are going to be easy, but I have faith that 2016 will be the best year yet!��
-Ashlee Andersen

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

To go to Coral Canyon Resort! Wahoooo! Haha!! Just kidding! My resolution is to have more patience with my family! Go on more walks with them. Call my friends & family sometimes instead of texting them. Drink more water. Share more smiles. Get good sleep. Be kinder & more forgiving to myself. Read more books to my 4 kids! Treasure my treasures.

Meg said...

This is awesome! My resolution is to find happiness in the moment and have more patience. Read more watch less.

Mel said...

My biggest goal for the year is more family time together while everyone is disconnected from electronics. We all deserve undivided attention.

Mary Curry said...

Hello, my name is Mary Curry. To start the 2016 year off, first and foremost, I would like to try to be a better person all around. In the past I haven't had the patience and understanding I should have to be a better Mom, Wife, Daughter, Friend, etc.
I need your inspiration for this. This trip could help me, I know it. I love my children and husband with all my hear, but ( there's always a "but" with me......and I don't want there to be).......I want to be able to say "I did all I could do or I was all I could be. I feel like I want to set a new goal for 2016 and just learn how to "listen" to everyone and truly hear their words. I want to learn how I can be an asset to my Community and Church and not just be a number.
I love my life but, I feel that with the new year beginning, I want to learn how to LOVE my life!! Please, help me to be a better "me".

MEREDITH said...

It is beautiful there! We were staying at the same resort sad I never ran into you so I could shake your hand and tell you what an inspiration you are! With the new year I want to find inner peace!!!

Camille Herd said...

My goal for 2016 is to overcome my fears and become a public speaker teaching men and women (I mostly want to focus on teenagers) teaching them their self worth before they get thrown out into the world and loose so much of who they are and what they are worth!

Elizabeth Peterson said...

My sister bought me a ticket for my birthday to your boise conference. I was unsure about it until I saw the theme was forgiveness, something I desperately need to work on. I would like to learn how to completely forgive two people in my life who have hurt me so much. I am looking forward to learning from others examples.

Rachel Lunt said...

My resolutions are to be a better mother to my 3 teenage boys! I want to be more kind and loving with them instead of expecting respect I need to earn it as their mother! I want to be a better example to them as well as my family and co workers! I need to be a better member of the church! I want to get my temple recommend back so I need to start paying a full tithe, attend church, and be a better example of Christ! I have a Co worker that is not a member and I need to stand up better for my faith and be an example for her! I want to lose weight and love myself! I also want to spend more time smiling and visiting my sister and her family that recently moved away from us! Also just to let you know you are a great example of forgiveness! I need more of that in my life in 2016!

Josh and Ashlee said...

My goal for 2016 is to find joy in the little things around me that I take for granted. Too often I find myself wishing for this time I am in school to go quickly so that I can get a job and help my family financially. I get frustrated at myself when I can't give 100% to school, 100% to housework, 100% to my kids and 100% to Josh. I want to be nicer to myself when I fall short this year. I want to enjoy my kids because I only have 5 more years before KayBree is 18. I want to be more present and available to my family this year because they need to know they matter more to me than my good grades or money. Happy new year Ash!

*LaUrA* said...

I want to learn to play the ukulele! I envision myself sitting with my kids making up funny songs. I also want to perform a island inspired duet with my husband this Thanksgiving. So I have 11 months to hone my ukulele skills. Wish me luck and lots of practice!

I also want to dive deeper into my spiritualilty and personal studies. I want to find out more about myself and my purpose. I know I have things I need to do and I am on a quest to find out what that is!

I want to serve more and with my kids by my side. Less screens and more means (meaningful moments)

And sigh...I would LOVE a sunny getaway to recharge our batteries. It sounds divine.

Thank you for being you.

Jen Golladay said...

I want to be the best mom i can be to my 2 sons and my 4 stepkids. I want to be involved in their everyday life. I want to be a better wife. I want to listen more and be his best friend and biggest supporter. I want to get healthy again after i have my son and can get back to the gym. I want to make sure my family alwayz has me and knows everyday how much they are loved and cared for.

~Karen~ said...

I want to continue to heal in 2016! We had a loved one pass away a little over a year ago and I can't believe how much pain and heartache that has brought my family. It took me a long time to move on and try to feel normal again. Most of 2015 was a pity party and now I'm ready to try to put our lives back together because that is what she would want us to do. I want to study scriptures, work out, and work on getting back to a "new" normal this year!

~Karen~ said...

I want to continue to heal in 2016! We had a loved one pass away a little over a year ago and I can't believe how much pain and heartache that has brought my family. It took me a long time to move on and try to feel normal again. Most of 2015 was a pity party and now I'm ready to try to put our lives back together because that is what she would want us to do. I want to study scriptures, work out, and work on getting back to a "new" normal this year!

Brittany said...

My sisters and I need a refresh so we can be ready to come back to everyday life and be more patient with our kids. And it would let me see my sister who lives across the country, who really really needs a break!

Unknown said...

My resolution for this year is to find myself again. I need to fill my lamp so that I can be the best wife, mother and friend that I can be! Also I want to do at least 1 kind gesture a day!!

Melissa Cheney said...

I was just looking back on my FB memories that I have shared in previous years on this day. A few years ago, I posted a link to this article, http://www.daringyoungmom.com/2012/12/19/drops-of-awesome/. I <3 it and the truths that it shares with moms who don't feel like they are enough. So that is my goal this year, to focus on the small, tiny, everyday things that I am doing that are truly awesome. As a brand new elementary school teacher (I went back to school at 37 yrs old and just graduated a few months ago and got my own 3rd grade class before I even finished my own student teaching!!), I need to remember that every single day, I have the opportunity to influence 24 little lives in VERY big ways--though they may not seem big at the time. I've already had many 'drops of awesome' moments, but my goal this year is to have many, many more and to RECORD them!!! Thank you, Ashley, for inspiring so many with your words and for writing down your story! It really, really matters. Lots of love to you!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My biggest goal for 2016 is to become a happier/healthier version of myself so I can be a better mom, friend and girlfriend. I have always struggled with body image/weight and I know it's something many women struggle with and it can consume a person's entire life when they are not happy with themself. I'm actively working to have a healthier mindset and continuing to develop healthier habits so that I can in the future help other women who struggle with the same or similiar things. I also want to spend less time on social media and be present in life and time with my family. I'd love to be able to take my daughter and boyfriend on a trip like this as we never get to do things like this as a family. It can be hard to get away from life to take trips and do things as schedules are hectic and finances aren't always there to do so! This is an awesome opportunity and I hope my family can be considered in the running!

Katy Ray said...

Okay, here is the start to my 2016 goals! I have broken them down into four categories:

Family: I need to be more present. I work from home so at least an hour or two of their mornings is spent with me on my computer and I find that I am on my phone way too much during the day. I need to turn my phone off and really be present with my babies. I've also found myself raising my voice way more than I should and way more than I ever have. No more!

Personal: "Be patient with all things, but especially with yourself." My goal is to stop the negative self talk. It's usually just internal so nobody else hears it, but it's damaging none the less. "Stop hating yourself for what you aren't and start loving yourself for what you are."

Spiritual: It's been an extremely difficult year for me on a lot of levels and one things to majorly suffer is my spirituality. My goal to start is simply to start praying again -- family, personal and with my husband.

Health: I am NOT giving myself a weight goal this year because when I don't reach those I give up. So I'm starting simple: Drink water and start Plexus again. I had great success with Slim and then I started to self sabotage and that ends here in 2016!!

Unknown said...

I want to be a healthier/ happier me. So I can enjoy my family more. Be more present. Have more patience.

Keifersgirl said...

Hoping to get healthy by excercising everyday (real original, huh?!) This looks like an amazing place and i love each and every post/pic of you and your family 💜

Unknown said...

My goal is to spend more time on relationships with family and friends and during those times bring positivity, strength and memories. I am going to make eating healthy and exercising a priority so I can feel better about myself and in turn encourage and love others more. I don't want any regrets this year, only joy, love and hard work. Become a better me. :-)

Keifersgirl said...

Hoping to get healthy by excercising everyday (real original, huh?!) This looks like an amazing place and i love each and every post/pic of you and your family 💜

Michelle Barnes said...

I am going to be have a more positive attitude this year!! I want to surround myself with positive thoughts that will bring positive results!! Here's to a great 2016!!!

Michelle Barnes said...

I am going to be have a more positive attitude this year!! I want to surround myself with positive thoughts that will bring positive results!! Here's to a great 2016!!!

Erin G. said...

My resolution for this year is to be more involved in the lives of those around me by saying yes to more opportunities. I tend to secluded myself a bit. I enjoy being by myself, but I know it's important to reach out. I have a lot to offer!

Angie said...

This would be a great little get away for my family of 6!

Lazidazical said...

3, 2016 at 11:07 AM
My new years resolution is mapped out to help me become temple worthy again by putting aside the world and pulling my family closer together. To attend church, worship and pray together. Mother's have that unique responsibilities of keeping their children's eyes towards Heavenly Father always. Turn your head away for a moment and you'll spend the rest of your life correcting those moments. I know my calling as a mother in these last days is most important. I will resolve to be endowed again this year. Win or lose, thank you for the opportunity to share with you ❤❤

Lindsay said...

My goal for this year was inspired as by quote I read that says " how you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you." I always want to be found lifting others up. That is my New Years resolution.

LeighAnn Johnson said...

My resolution is to be a better wife and mommy. Help my children develop and learn and enjoy life more with them with the tv off more often. And to be more positive.

We would love a vacation in sunny Saint George!

Unknown said...

To be okay with letting go of toxic relationships.... even if it is my dad. To create beautiful memories with kids and write it down. To love my husband more passionately. To be and instrument in the Lords hands.

Unknown said...

Rachel Gillette, I want to continue to get more healthy for my family and myself, make scripture study more purposeful, and be present!

Unknown said...

For me I want to tell a different story. I have spent so long standing behind the illnesses of my children and myself that I have forgot to love the good that comes from our trials. The facts are we all have significant health issues but I need to remember that isn't who we are. We are far more than that. I vow to tell a different story a story of perseverance, love, peace, comfort, and faith, joy and my family. I vow to take more time to hug them and help them find a way to live a full and joyous life inspire of their trials. I want to improve my relationship with my savior. I often find he takes a back seat to my everyday life but honestly he shouldn't cuz he's such a huge part that I forget to acknowledge him and the blessings he showers us with. This will be my year to reflect and change what I can and learn to love what I can't.

Tara said...

I am going to remember to take care of myself so I can take the best care of my boys and husband. I have been battling depression and anxiety for many years but I recently started medication, working out, and eating right and I feel so much better. Because of this my boys are happier, my marriage is stronger, and I'm enjoying life again.

rachel garber said...

Rachel Garber. I want to slow down. Last year we had two surgeries for my 17 month old for his cleft lip & palate among other trials. This year we hope (despite a precancerous skin run-in for my husband) that we can breathe, relax and enjoy our little family!! That's our goal: enjoy our little family.

emily ruth said...

After (another) divorce this last year, I've taken personal inventory about the life I want to work for and I am so excited for a positive shift. The words of Elder Hales struck me this week as I started writing out my goals for the next year. He said, "When you can't do what you have always done, you only do what matters most."
My kids and I have gone through so much transition the last 4 years, it seems almost crazy to me. I honestly laugh out loud at the absurdity of it all. But to be serious, we are tired. We need to recharge. I was beating myself up recently that I couldn't do everything I once did when life was calm and predictable. But I realized after reading Elder Hales' words that just I need to focus on what matters most. So my personal Theme this year is that Joy is having a Christ centered life. I have been planning my days and asking myself how each activity or action planned is drawing me closer to my Savior. Suddenly decisions seem simpler! I am really enjoying the clarity I am feeling. So that is really my only goal ��

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Sierra Sandison!

Family: Write my sister on her mission three emails every week and one real paper letter every month.

Friends: Make girls' nights a priority, at least once a month!

Employment/school: go back to school and get straight A's, launch my small business!

Self: Read at least one book per month, surround myself with awesome people who inspire me, figure out who/ what I want to be when I "grow up".

The world (starting with my world): get even more involved in the Boise community (I just moved here) by spending at least 15 hours/week volunteering, & stay educated and aware on what is happening the community (and world) and work to do my part to fix the issues that arise.

Marissa said...

I of course want to lose weight, exercise more, like seemingly everyone else. But what I really aspire to "do" this year is strengthen my own testimony so that I can be a good example for my children and husband. By doing so I feel everything else will fall in to place. It's only with the gospel and through Christ we can truly find peace in this life, and that is what I'm so desperately searching for. Thanks for this awesome opportunity, it would be amazing to win!
-Marissa Garr

Jen Moyer said...

My goals for this year are, being more healthy in general. Cooking healthier meals for my family etc... Also to be happier in general and enjoy the little things! And last but not least put my phone down and be in the moment

Kim said...

My goal for this year is to do a little more than just "survive". Last year I survived my first year as a single mom, I survived my little one through terrible twos, my oldest through becoming a teenager. I survived becoming a full time working mom. I survived losing my first ever home, my van, the only life I knew.
This year I want to do more than "survive". I have four kids who need me to do more than "survive". I can't commit to goals that I might not meet, but I can tell you it'll be more than last year!

Rowley's said...

This looks heavenly! My goals this year are
1) Take care of my physical temple, get my body and mind stronger and not give into physical temptations (sugar!)
2) Get out of my comfort zone and build up my Norwex business and create safer homes by helping people remove toxins from their home. This is so scary for me! I have 2 demonstrations scheduled this month already, pray for me. I don't know how you speak in front people all the time!
3) Be more present for my kids...less technology when their around.

patters0n said...

Emmilee wells
My new years resolution is to have more patience as a mom and a wife. I want to live in the moment and play with my kids more and also make my hubby more of a priority. I also want to be kinder to myself so I can be the best version of me!

Travis and Brittany said...

I have a few resolutions but one that I'm really going to focus on is being happier. I need to be happier with myself so I can be happier to those around me! I am going to focus on all my blessings everyday and be grateful for all I have

Sherri said...

I was thinking about what I needed to work on a couple of weeks ago and thought of the word "More" and immediately added "Holiness Give Me". 2015 was a fight for my life. I hope to manage just baby steps at first.😊

Unknown said...

I would love to take this trip with my husband! My goal this year is to put him first. He has been supporting me through school for the past four years now and this year my goal is to serve him to the same extent he has so unselfishly served me. He has put his school on hold so I can follow my dreams. He has taken on most household duties as well as solely providing our income while I'm in graduate school. I would love to surprise him with this vacation as apart of accomplishing my goal to serve him this year!

Brooke McBride

Branden & Aubri said...

I want to eat healthier and exercise more. Also I want to sit down and play more with my 2 year old, instead of sit and look at my phone while he plays. I would LOVE to win this getaway trip! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

My goal for this new year is to be Happy. I need to find happiness in the moment - in the day - in the time of my life that I am in and stop waiting for something to happen to make me happy.

Unknown said...

2015 was a year to remember, although I am happy to see it behind us. It was to date the most challanging, hard year filled with trial after trial...yet I am slowly beginning to see blessings and lessons learned from the challanges we faced as a family. Thus year we will live each day to the fullest...love unconditionally...be grateful for health and thankful to have employment. Though I have never wished away a year more than 2015, our family grew closer to the Savior...so we are thrilled to be starting a new year. ..with new perspectives♡
Heather checketts

Unknown said...

2015 was a year to remember, although I am happy to see it behind us. It was to date the most challanging, hard year filled with trial after trial...yet I am slowly beginning to see blessings and lessons learned from the challanges we faced as a family. Thus year we will live each day to the fullest...love unconditionally...be grateful for health and thankful to have employment. Though I have never wished away a year more than 2015, our family grew closer to the Savior...so we are thrilled to be starting a new year. ..with new perspectives♡
Heather checketts

KTJO said...

My goal is to focus, focus on life, my children, my husband, my family. To focus on the things that matter. I need to find peace in my life and I think this can be done by focusing.

Emily said...

My goals: To be more present in the things that matter most, kinder to those around me, and really try to listen to my kids and parent them each the way they need me too! Take a little time for myself each day exercising and meditating so I am on my best game! Bring it on 2016!

Tiffany said...

I want to get healthier.

Ginger said...

Wow that looks absolutely beautiful. This year I want to be more unplugged! I admit I am on my phone a lot. The pull of Instagram and Facebook is always there...at the expense of my complete focus and dedication to my children and husband. I'd vow to spend the weekend completely and totally unplugged technologically and be completely and totally plugged in emotionally to my loved ones. Happy New year! Here's to a better us in 2016 ����❤️

Lisaflavin said...

My goal this year is to graduate from nursing school and pass the boards. I've been at this for so long it will be great to show my 4 kids that it's never too late to do what you were born to do.

Karen said...

Like everyone else, I want to lose weight! I was already overweight at the beginning of last year. Then my husband was badly injured at work in February, and he spent three months in the hospital. He was the primary cook in the family, and my daughter and I were with him at the hospital as often as possible. Between the hospital food and the fast food, I gained even more weight! Now I get winded from just running up the stairs! I'd like to get back to a healthy weight while my daughter is still young. I don't want her to remember her childhood with a mom who never wanted to play with her. I want to be able to cross country ski and go sledding and play tag. I want to be able to go on walks with my husband after he gets his endurance back up and is able to walk without a cane or crutches. I have a friend who's really into the Trim Healthy Mama diet, and she's looking so much better. I'm going to ask her for some recipes that I can fix for my family. After almost losing my husband, I want all of us to eat as healthy as possible so that we can maximize the number of years that we have left together as a family. I also want to work on being a better example for my husband. He isn't LDS, and after he almost died, I've been longing for us to be sealed together as a family. I'm going to start making family prayer and scripture study a scheduled part of our day. Hopefully this year will be our healthiest year yet, both physically and spiritually!

Unknown said...

I want to re-discover my voice. Writing is something I didn't know I loved to do until a few years ago, but I quit doing it because I couldn't remember who it was for or why I was doing it. I was blogging for my audience instead of blogging for me, and I lost the integrity of it. I'm ready to find it again.

Jane Cox said...

My goal is to speak softer. Speak softer about others and to others! Also carrying the theme of gratitude throughout 2016. "When we are grateful it makes what we have enough." Thanks for the chance.
Jane Cox

westracyandmasonpoff said...

I don't like to call them resolutions but goals...I am a teacher, 16 years. For 15 of my 16 years I have taught at traditional high schools, the largest in the state. I chose, midway through 2015, to make a change. I am now teaching at an alternative school for at risk students. My goal is to be present and aware, every day for these students. Teaching is humbling, these poor kids have been through more than most grown adults. I struggled to keep my head above water as I transitioned into my new job...I am now ready to make a difference in their lives. GOAL: Leave my baggage outside my classroom door and be present and willing to help these students.

Thank you!

Unknown said...

I have been struggling with depression for many years, in the last few years I have been sharing my story through scripture study to give hope to others. I want others to know and have hope. I am focusing on just that hope. Hope to overcome, hope to understand, hope to heal, hope to share, hope to uplift and hope to inspire others to have the courage they need to move forward. In doing this I hope to be able to hold onto the joy of each day, my family and my friends. My example is all I have to offer and I want it to be one others learn from.

Unknown said...

I have been struggling with depression for many years, in the last few years I have been sharing my story through scripture study to give hope to others. I want others to know and have hope. I am focusing on just that hope. Hope to overcome, hope to understand, hope to heal, hope to share, hope to uplift and hope to inspire others to have the courage they need to move forward. In doing this I hope to be able to hold onto the joy of each day, my family and my friends. My example is all I have to offer and I want it to be one others learn from.

Unknown said...

I have made the goal/resolution to become closer to my Heavenly Father by memorizing my temple covenants and reading the Book of Mormon. (Sounds cliche, but I am so excited!) :) thank you for your blog Ashlee. It has helped me more times than you will ever know!

Marty_Rachael said...

My resolution... I usually don't do resolutions. Typically I just try to be a little better that year then I was the year before. But I actually did do resolutions this year. To read my scriptures everyday. To exercise and eat right so I can be a happy, healthier mom. To go to bed each night with my house clean. To do at least one special thing (a craft or make cookies) together with my kids every week. Make my husband a lunch at night so he doesn't have to get up extra early to do it. AND to still try to be a little better this year then I was last.

sam said...

My goal is focus on our family's health

Kristen said...

This year my "word" is give. I love that it can be applied in so many ways...to give of myself and my time and love to my family and friends around me but also to give myself grace, love and time. Give myself the gift of better myself both spiritually, emotionally and physically so I can truly give my best to everyone especially my husband and children! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

This year I hope to speak softer! To my children, my husband, my friends and family. I hope by speaking softer I will be able to be kinder. Sometimes I get frustrated and forget to stay calm and listen more clearly to the spirit. By speaking softer, hopefully I will become more Christ like.

Denise Olson said...

I need to be a better person inside and out! Better to those around me and better to me personally! I'm usually not one to do resolutions and I have a hard time sticking to them but this year seems different! Life is too short not to enjoy family, make memories and love them despite our differences! I'm excited to better my spiritual self!

Jen A. said...

I work for the local police department. Every day we are accosted by a lot of bad things. Drug users, theft, rape and overall yuckiness are what we deal with. My new years resolution is to focus on the good and not the ugly that I see and then to spread that good.

Jen A. said...

I work for the local police department. Every day we are accosted by a lot of bad things. Drug users, theft, rape and overall yuckiness are what we deal with. My new years resolution is to focus on the good and not the ugly that I see and then to spread that good.

Marsha Jo said...

1) Choose daily to be a happier mom and wife 2) Create photo books (I'm 8 years behind and those memories are important) and 3) Study and learn more about the Savior to gain a stronger testimony and become more like him.

Erin Johnson said...

In 2016 I want to be more involved with my family and get to know my new in laws better. I want to better myself by being there for my friends and family despite working two jobs and going to school full time. I want to get more involved in our new ward and spend more time with my new husband! Serving those around me and spending less time on social media and more time with the ones I love! :)

April said...

My goals for the new year are: look for the goodness in the world and help others as much as I can, make time for myself and time with each of my kids more often, keep on worKing on my healthy lifestyle and be in contact with family members at least once a month.

Chelsee Joy said...

I would love to get away! My resolutions for 2016 are to be Happier and Healthier. Date nights at least once a month and family night once a week! :) Happy New Year

Unknown said...

Amy Coe
Wow! My family would love to win this awesome trip!
My goals this year are to be more organized! Make family prayer a priority. Serve others more. And make more time for my husband, since the kids and home business tend to rule my life! ;)

Mrs. Garrison said...

My girlfriends and I are all single moms. We give everything all the time to and for our kids. Just before Christmas we decided that this year we need to nurture ourselves a little more. One of the ways we want to do that is to get away together once in a while.

On a personal note, I need to take better care of myself so I can be around to continue to care for my babies. This includes physically,metally and spiritually. I want to read more, learn more, and do more.

Mrs. Garrison said...

Great goals, my friend!

Alicia Steere said...

This would be such an amazing trip!!! We worked hard as a family in 2015 to eliminate debt and we did it!!!!!!

2016 has me thinking of a new goal. My goal/resolution is to eliminate fear from my life. Fear of the unknown. Fear of oncology appointments. Fear of triggers that cause my PTSD of Cancer. I want to live each day with a smile on my face and not let the little moments of fear take over. Doing this will let me be a better Wife and Mom. I will be able to not let my fear overcome my Faith, thus helping me be a happier person in general! :)

Unknown said...

I recently became a SAM at the age of 42. I want to be a better mom to my children, be more organized, get on a daily fitness routine. Our community adopted 56 kids for Christmas, I would like to get more involved so we can help more kids this year. I would also like to be a better wide to my wonderful husband.

Jessica said...

I love that you always love everything you do and that you are making the best out of everything. Your story and blogs have really up lifted me!
The past 2 years has been rough on our family. I blame alot of that on certain medical issues that may have scarred me for life. My goal this year is to try to look past those. To learn to rely on the Lord more and less on me being in charge of everything. To love my 4 girls and husband more then I ever have. To learn to find happiness in everything. To look for the good in every person and the beauty in all the things around me. While I know how resolutions go and we are super song at the first(jan, feb, March). I hope that by the end of the year I can say that I tried a little harder to be a little better every month of the year.

Unknown said...

I recently became a SAM at the age of 42. I want to be a better mom to my children, be more organized, get on a daily fitness routine. Our community adopted 56 kids for Christmas, I would like to get more involved so we can help more kids this year. I would also like to be a better wide to my wonderful husband.

Unknown said...

My goal for 2016 is to bring myself and my family closer to Christ, through regular church attendance, family scriptures, family prayer, and FHE. I have a lot of health issues and it's only gotten worse in 2015. Our church attendance has struggled because of this. A personal goal of mine for 2016 is to have more faith in the Lord and what his purpose is for me.

I've loved following your family and have found so many common things, my husbands downfall was addiction to medication instead of an affair and he died after our divorce. I'm remarried as well and we're doing the blended family thing.

Thank you for this opportunity!

newblogger1A said...

I have never ever dared to comment... But I've Been following your journey since I found your inspiring blog... Your post about your moment in your "closet" still speaks to me today..it has stuck with me. It has helped me in our families journey to healing after a tragedy...a crisis that shifted our path... My New Years goal is to have our family find joy again... To heal... And to not let what happened hold us back...

Unknown said...

Mostly I just entered Brandi because I know she'd never do it for herself but she deserves a vacation.

But this year I want to go back to school and keep figuring out my problems I've privately told you about. I try to make myself better for others by serving people, among other things. This year I'll contribute my time to hopefully serve others daily...and hopefully volunteer at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I have a lot of other goals, mostly having to do with trials and therefore pretty private.

Sidnee Murray said...

Hi Ashley, thank you for doing this! Everything you do is beautiful. I really look forward to this year and the new opportunities it will bring. I plan to be a light and a positive example to those around me. I want to help others find happiness by showing them how to live a healthy more fulfilling life. I want to teach my twins as much as I can to get them ready to start preschool in the fall! And help them learn the gospel as brand new sunbeams. I want to create family memories and grow closer to my Heavenly father. I want to grow my business. 2016 will be a year of improving and learning all that I can to be the best I can be!<3

Michelle said...

What a lovely trip!
Sounds rejuvenating !
My goals include: regular daily yoga . I want to use yoga to help heal me in my own recovery
Put my phone down more around my kids.
Be a fun mother . More dancing more laughing. Take the weight off the shoulders they might feel from our trials
Run 3 diff races to just do something for me and see progress and feel pride in what I accomplish .
2016 can only go up :)

Garren, Michelle, Ryker, Trey & Mikylee said...

I am going to overcome an eating disorder that has plagued my life for years. I am going to become stronger: physically, mentally and spiritually! This year as a family we are going to do more service both in the community and at home. Charity is the pure love of Christ and I want to instill that into my children. ~Michelle~

Unknown said...

My goal is to make a conscious effort to do something to bring light to someone each day, to journal the outcome of that effort, and write how it made me feel.

Meagan and Ryan said...

I want to think positive about myself, let go of doubt, and wake up at a consistent time every day. I also, want to serve more.

cmckellar said...

My name is Crystal McKellar. My goals this year are to strengthen my faith through scripture study, and increase my love for others to develop charity. I also want to concentrate on realizing that I am enough. I am enough for my Savior and that is all that matters.

Kim said...

Hi Ashley! What a fun giveaway! My goals for the year to not get overwelhmed with family, church and other responsiblities (just got called as primary president, wish me luck!). Read the Book of Mormon everyday with my family. Get re-certified as a teacher. Exercise at least 3 times each week and attend yoga once a week. And continue to support my husband in his buisness goals and support my kids in developing their talents. Thanks for inspiring me to be a better person!

troysuzfam said...

This sounds amazing!!
This year is my little family's last year that we'll all be living under the same roof. My son is preparing to go in a mission and after the holidays next year my daughter is going to teach English in Thialand. We have one younger child still in school and it will be an adjustment:) As I've pondered all week of what I want as a New Years resolution I decided I want to think of what I have taught all of my kids and what else I can squeeze in before the best is empty. I want this to be my main priority as I go about each day. These children of mine have grown up way too fast and I need to enjoy every second I have!!

Angela said...

I would like to yell less, be healthier and more organized

Lizzyande said...

My New Years resolution this year, is to be a better me. 2015 was a rough year for me mentally, physically, parentelly, and personally. I down right struggled with what seemed like everything. Most days I felt like I could not function. But like most women I know, I would get out of bed, put a smile on my face and get through the day, most of which were foggy. Now, I don't have an inspiring story like yours or other women out there. I have a husband that loves me unconditionally, three beautiful healthy kids whom I adore, a roof over my head, food on our table and a warm bed to lie my head down on at night. So what was so wrong with me? Why were my days foggy and depressing, why did I have to pretend to put a smile on my face? I don't know. I still don't have the answers......but I AM TRYING A LITTLE HARDER EACH DAY TO BE A LITTLE BETTER. In some of my darkest days, I didn't turn to my Heavenly Father. I didn't get on my knees, it literally felt to hard. It took a long time, and some really dark days to figure out that my savior still stood by me and carried me. So this year, I'm being a better me! I'm trying a little harder each day to serve, to love, to do something for me, to be a better mom, (maybe not try so hard to be perfect in the eyes of the world), to be a better wife, to be a better daughter of God. To love and live unconditionally. This may seem so simple to some, but for me it's a work in progress. I know my Heavenly Father wants me to be the best I can. And on those days I can't, he will pick up the pieces and help me!

ShannonV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marleen said...

My sweet cousin passed away December 20th. At her funeral everyone talked about how she made each person feel so special and how she was always serving someone. It made me wonder what people would say about me when my time comes. I decided then I was going to focus on serving others and do my best to see the good in everyone. My husband passed away 6 years ago. I have pretty much survived life, but I know it's time to live life and thrive!

Unknown said...

My goals for 2016 are simple, yet things I need to be better at and always lack motivation for for some reason. I want to be more diligent in my scripture study and attend the temple more often and serve more. I also want to exercise more diligently and be healthier. I want to be a better wife, mother and person in general and those goals will help me become such.

Maybury said...

I want to be a little more giving of my time to friends and family in need. I want to be more sincere in my prayers.
Kelly Maybury

boytrappedmom said...

I've been thinking over my goals this week... I of course want to be more healthy and more organized. But I really want to focus on being in tune spiritually! I struggle so much with the "to do list" of everything I think I'm supposed to be and do... that I seldom take time to really slow down and learn what God's plan is for me. Ironically, my husband just applied for a job in St.George and I'm terrified. The thought of moving from everything I know and love is terrifying. But I'm praying to know God's will and be a peace with it!

Unknown said...

Lynsie Mills
I want to read the Book of Mormon everyday, say a sincere meaningful heartfelt prayer daily. Not be on my phone after school and until bedtime :)

Regina said...

I have several resolutions, my first is to unplug more, no phone, Facebook, or anything after kids get home from school. My second is commit more fully to my kids, spending quality time with each one (that included my extra 2 kids I watch after school). My third is to read quality self help books each day. Those are my main goal. I love you so much Ashley, what an inspiration you are.

shayla and greg said...

My main goal for this year is to get organized. And in doing so I hope to be a happier mom+wife and can hopefully become better at scheduling my time so I can exercise more! -Shayla Panfiloff

Unknown said...

My name is Joyell (email is joyell.hardy@gmail.Com if you need that). I don't set resolutions, but try to make goals etc throughout the year. Currently, I'm working on stressing less and doing yoga more. Thanks for all you do.

Unknown said...

My name is Joyell (email is joyell.hardy@gmail.Com if you need that). I don't set resolutions, but try to make goals etc throughout the year. Currently, I'm working on stressing less and doing yoga more. Thanks for all you do.

Kaleigh said...

I want to look into IT degrees and decide which direction to go with my schooling.
Continue building my savings account.
Maybe eat less garbage... I've cut back on coffee quite a bit so that's a good start.
Do some kind of fitness something... I may not be overweight, but that doesn't mean I can run for more than ten seconds without wanting to die.
Get more organized.
Focus on the positives.

Mel said...

I want to draw closer to my Savior and be a better example to my children by actively, regularly seeking out someone to serve. Even if it's a stranger at a grocery store. If I want my children to grow up to see those in need, they need to first see that example in me.

Unknown said...

I would love to be a better mother. I want to be more present in my dealings with my family and friends. I want to be better at creating a balance so I can be both productive and present (if that makes any sense ��)

kdance10 said...

In 2016 I want to be more present!! I want to spend more time with my family, not only being together but experiencing new things, places etc. I have twin daughters one of which has a heart defect since& November 3rd she has had 3 heart procedures, which did not go as planned. She is almost 12 years old, I knew she would endure many things but not so many that were unsuccessful. I hope this year mostly we will find out something that will help fix her condition, and to help her to continually be herself.
She loves tumbling, swimming etc. Thanks for this opportunity! Kaycee Dance

brigette said...

This year I am focusing more on improving me. Becoming the best wife and mom and me I can. 2015 was rough second hardest year of my life... Praying and working hard to turn it around!!

brigette said...

This year I am focusing more on improving me. Becoming the best wife and mom and me I can. 2015 was rough second hardest year of my life... Praying and working hard to turn it around!!

The Williams said...

I am a mom to three little ones of my own and a "momma" to many others at my school! I am a teacher and a coach by profession and this has been a nickname given to me by many of my students! Some of my 2016 resolutions are to be there with my kids more(both home and school)! Less technology and TV and more time just with them. I want to read more with my kids as well as read a book each month for myself! I want to be more active and I would like to do either a triathlon or a Half Marathon before the year is over! I want to learn something new each month! And last I really do want to be an example to others around me to help them want to be better!
Emily Williams

Unknown said...

Be present!
Take time to play.
Make healthy life choices.
Be an example, for my kids and for others. Remember love is bigger when things get me down.
Focus on our new marriage.
Pray together.
Make time for myself.
Read more...and color!
Chelse Christensen

Sommer said...

Loved the video & their spunk!
My goals; attend the temple once a month, give more compliments & plan ahead better (meal prep, Sunday primary lesson.)
Thank you! ❤️

Hu.Ge.Lu said...

I am a divorced mom of 7, with my 2 youngest sons left at home. These last 2 years have been very difficult for all of us as I have been struggling with finishing my degree as well as becoming a working mom, to be able to better provide for us. I have had a huge challenge finding balance and being the mom all of my children, but especially my youngest sons need. My main goals this year are to find meaning and joy everyday, making personal time for each of my sons every day, and making sure I have time each day with my Heavenly Father to keep my well filled. As a family we are also working on being healthier in every way, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. We are excited for the coming year and I hope through my efforts to become more like my Savior and have my will aligned with what my Heavenly Father wants.

Hu.Ge.Lu said...

I am a divorced mom of 7, with my 2 youngest sons left at home. These last 2 years have been very difficult for all of us as I have been struggling with finishing my degree as well as becoming a working mom, to be able to better provide for us. I have had a huge challenge finding balance and being the mom all of my children, but especially my youngest sons need. My main goals this year are to find meaning and joy everyday, making personal time for each of my sons every day, and making sure I have time each day with my Heavenly Father to keep my well filled. As a family we are also working on being healthier in every way, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. We are excited for the coming year and I hope through my efforts to become more like my Savior and have my will aligned with what my Heavenly Father wants.

The Bobos said...

What a wonderful giveaway! My resolution is to earn my YW medallion with my Beehives this year and to run a 5K. It's going to be great year! Thanks again - you're amazing!

Amanda McDonald said...

Ever since I was a little girl, whenever anybody asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I always said a mommy. That dream has come true. I have been blessed with two wonderful kids! They and my husband are my everything! In the years since having kids I haven't always put my physical health as a top priority. This year I want to become more healthy so I can run around more and play with my kiddos. I also want to be around for years to come to raise them and to teach them to take good care of their bodies and health. This year I also want to attend the the Temple regularly. Thanks Ashlee!

Amanda McDonald said...

Ever since I was a little girl, whenever anybody asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I always said a mommy. That dream has come true. I have been blessed with two wonderful kids! They and my husband are my everything! In the years since having kids I haven't always put my physical health as a top priority. This year I want to become more healthy so I can run around more and play with my kiddos. I also want to be around for years to come to raise them and to teach them to take good care of their bodies and health. This year I also want to attend the the Temple regularly. Thanks Ashlee!

Unknown said...

You know I need a vacay ash!

Jamie said...

It is funny that it is new year resolutions that you ask. I had decided this year I was making no goals for me. I didn't want to break them. Then for family home evening my husband gave a great lesson on making goals. Which I was grudgingly going to do. My sweet family was all set. My husband said exercise. My daughter Megan said to write something. My daughter Emily said better runner. My son Matthew said to remember things better. My son Logan who is 7 said learn piano. My 5 year old son Lincoln said cleaning windows better. My son who is 2 we decided potty training. What a great family! Then me I said make a bench. My husband said don't u want to improve on something? Grudgingly I said sure. He said exercise. I said I can learn to be a better wood worker. Lol We have been working on an addition to our home for two years and 4 months! I know there are many things I can improve on both spiritual and physical. I better get work.

Unknown said...

We started out'15 with my 15 yr old get ting T1D,he had it for 6 wks,it left for 5 months.It came back with a ven-geance!He is on a RX that is pricey!We lived on 0 income the last 6 yrs while my husband finished his Engineer-ing degree.We thought that as soon as he was done,things would be better. Short ly after his T1D went into Honeymoon phase,I was arrested and put in jail.I never drank,did drugs,I hardly ever speed,Im a law abiding citizen and al ways have been!The reason being,while he was in the hospital,I was supposed to go to court to prove I had paid the ticket.I had!I was arrested,taken to jail and spent half the night there. Horrifying to say the least!Then my daughter who has been in remission for 8 yrs,got horribly sick,missed the last 2 months of school,no answers,just sick.Then one of my daughters flew over her handle bars and bruised her kidneys &liver,was almost lifeflighted,then my youngest of the 6,came in the house with blood all over his shirt.I lifted his shirt and his button was spurting blood.I super glued it,took him to the Dr,confirmed an umbilical hernia,along with 4 others.He was born with holes in his lungs,Dr is concerned he may have lessions on all his organs,so we have to go to Primary Children's and we are to expect 10 days per organ they have to fix.They will do 1 organ at a time. In the meantime we found out my daugh-ter had cysts so badly all over her ovaries,her only option may be too have them removed,shes 14,she said this is her decision,not mine,we are working through that.The son with T1D,had the most severe case of diabetes that the head of Endocrinology at Primary Child-rens has never seen numbers like his.I many nights have to stay up and check his blood hourly,depending where hes at,we make a meal,and drink a sugar free Gatorade every 30 mins.We do this to keep him out of the hospital,because its the only way he will be able to still go to school.We are having to hire an attorney to get him to go into being a Junior.Then this last week a neighbor called CPS on me,she's never even been in my house,so that's on our plate now too.My children are my life, I honestly live for them,they are my greatest joy!I truly adore them,The Social Worker left this message in our door on Christmas Eve,my kids found it when we got home from our family party, so they cried for two days thinking they were going to be taken away.I got together a list of over 50 references from Teenagers I have taken in off the streets,siblings,in-laws,friends, day-care parents that put me in thier will as thier choice to have thier children go if something were to happen to them, my Bishop,anyone I could think of who had spent alot of time in our home.The Social Worker came on New Years Eve, and that's how we ended this awesome year.I recall back to a year ago. My life desires were to make memories, stay in a hotel,leave the state atleast once,go camping,go hiking,become healthier as a family,become more spiritually centered as a whole and many more that we write on our bucket list.We were able to cross off two things,that being go on a hike and leave the state(for Drs appointments). I am determined that this year was the way it was to teach us all as a family and to make us better.But I feel I went backwards.I have been angry(this mainly started when I miscarried triplets in Aug)mean,sad,and all around not who I normally am.I am determined to make this next year and every year after this a good year,despite the hardships.No matter what someone's always going through something worse!I am determined to spir itually grow,soften my soul,be in-volved in service like I have been in previous years,love and live more,be-come a stronger family in every way and just be better!!My goal and mantra for our family this year,which I'm making a wooden slat decoration to hang in our entry way, that says"Shine Anyway"There has to be a change in our home,happiness has to be brought back,Im determined and work- ing on my kids too.We havent been on vaca for 7 years.But we will SHINE ANYWAY!

Landon and Mandi said...

To spend more fun time with my kids, doing stuff they like. To find joy in the little moments and have gratitude for them

Nicole Leavitt said...

Wow what a great giveaway!! My 2016 New Years Resolution is to "find peace". We had an emotional and hard 2015, and I know we are going to be faced with some very hard things in the next few months and I just want to be able to "find peace" in all that is coming our way, and to rememberthat amongst the trials there are too many blessings to count. A getaway to St George would be so lovely! Crossing my fingers!

Unknown said...

I'm hoping this year to be a more present mother and work on being more organized with the household! And to be a better meal planner and better at budgeting groceries.

Michele Tolman said...

My goal is to stand again, and help as many people do the same as possible because I am finally finding beautiful in the broken. My infant daughter died at just 8 days old in October 2014. Grief wore my body down, and I was plagued with unexplainable chronic hives daily for about 7 months after her death. By profession I'm a personal trainer, health coach, and motivational speaker, yet my life had been shattered, and I found that a price of my heart died the day she did. I have realized that I will never be complete in this life. But, in true athlete fashion I want to learn to live this sport of life with all that I do have left. I want to be better at coaching and sharing my story with others, and I want to hear the beautiful broken of others so that together we can be a little better.

Michele Tolman said...

My goal is to stand again, and help as many people do the same as possible because I am finally finding beautiful in the broken. My infant daughter died at just 8 days old in October 2014. Grief wore my body down, and I was plagued with unexplainable chronic hives daily for about 7 months after her death. By profession I'm a personal trainer, health coach, and motivational speaker, yet my life had been shattered, and I found that a price of my heart died the day she did. I have realized that I will never be complete in this life. But, in true athlete fashion I want to learn to live this sport of life with all that I do have left. I want to be better at coaching and sharing my story with others, and I want to hear the beautiful broken of others so that together we can be a little better.

The Hanselmans said...

Ashlee, a year and half ago I sent you a PM on Facebook asking for your help in my marriage. We since did therapy and things go better, but they weren't/aren't great. I don't yet live the marriage I dream of. I am not as patient with my husband's weaknesses as I want to be. I fight back, even when I know I shouldn't. The list could go on. We have 2 beautiful young boys who are the light of our life. Ny husband and I love each other but the fights are often ugly and too hurtful to type out. My New Years resolution in 2016 is simple and humble- I will love my husband and not fight with him. Ever. I will be slow to get offended and quick to be humble and apologize. I will be kneeling in prayer, seeking strength and guidance, as well we praying for my husband. I hope to become more celestial this year so that my marriage can heal and become more celestial.

Unknown said...

Hi, my name is kali pancheri and I Would love to have a get away trip with my kiddos. Thanks for making this possible for someone Ashlee! My new years resolution, wow there is so many. One for sure is to make sure I can accomplish setting goals for me and my children to accomplish so many good things this year. I am a single mom to my three children and I do work so I am not with them on some days and I still want to focus raising them to have high standards and the love of christ. Strength ingredients my family even when the world can be so dark is my goal. Thank you so much for this possible opportunity!

Unknown said...

I want to speak more lovingly to my kids, spend more time playing with my kids and less time worrying about the housework that never seems to be done anyway. I want my kids to know I love them and they are the most important thing in my life.

Annie said...

My main goal for this year is to enjoy my everyday life. I know that I already have a good life, but I frequently get bogged down by the bad things going on, or all the chores I need to do, or the mundane aspects of caring for my toddler. So my goal is to be aware of and grateful for all the good things in my life, because I believe that I can be much happier by changing little more than my attitude.

Mandy Carter said...

I want to get rid of all the negativity in my life. I tend to let those that bring negativity into my life have a huge influence on me and it starts to control my life. I am going to focus on my cute little family and make as many memories as we can fit in the year 2016. I also made a New Years Resolution to go on 2 over night dates this year with my hubby to strengthen our relationship.

Unknown said...

I want to run a marathon and live everyday to the fullest! Courtney Jinjika

Webster Family said...

I want to be more present this year, and strengthen my relationships with my kids, husband, and Heavenly Father. I hope to Stop worrying so much about the future and live in the now.

Unknown said...

My resolution is to be more present in my children's lives. I have been busy with so many things that are important (or seem important) but the most important thing I have is my family. They need my undivided attention when we are together. I resolve to build memories this year and beyond whether that includes doing dishes together, playing games, working on homework together, etc. My family will be reminded that being with them is my most important part of the day.

Kristy said...

Hi Ashlee, just want to say how much I love your blog and thanks for sharing and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
So my name is Kristy Black and In church today an older man in probably his late 80's got up and bore his testimony of the importance of mothers and how amazing his mother was and also his wife whom have both past on-but he reflected on how they were stay at home mothers who were always there for him. It really made me ponder about the difference in his mothers time and the mothers of today. I reflected on how most of the mothers I know today are full time working mothers doing everything in their power to stay afloat (which isn't a bad thing-just different) and the mothers of old don't really exist any more. Well my goal for the new year is that I want to be one of those mothers of old, a mother that knows, that knows what's really important, that knows her kids and husband come first, that knows how to cook and clean and to teach her kids how, to teach them to garden and to can the foods they love, to love unconditionally, to know that Christ lives, that he loves everyone, that kindness is never out of style, and serving others will always make you a winner! I want to be "The Mother That Knows"

Tiffany said...

My resolution is to try not to loose my temper, try not to sweat the small stuff, and forgive more freely. ( I hope to do this by getting in a better physical and mental state by exercising and more scripture study). Could I give this trip to a friend if I win? I have a friend that is struggling and could use this desperately!

Melissa said...

My New Years resolution would be to be kinder to my ex husband. I often get frustrated with the choices that he makes. After his unfaithfulness and falling away from the church I struggle with forgiveness. I want to be a good example to my children.

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