February 20, 2016

A Prisoner's Perspective: Moving on from My Mistakes

Ja'Nette Spencer was sentence to 54 months in a state penitentiary for Vehicular Homicide and Vehicular assault, following a drunk driving accident she caused at the age of 19.  Finding herself racked with guilt, shame, and remorse, it was difficult to see there was a life worth living waiting to be found.  How could she ever deserve to be happy again when she had done something so terrible?  How would she ever break through the feelings that overwhelmed, depressed, and suffocated her each day she woke up?  How could she see a future full of light from within dark prison walls?  As the perpetrator, how does one move on from their mistakes and forgive themselves?  Join Ja'Nette as she speaks about our intrinsic value and how our choices and mistakes do not change our worth.  Ja'Nette will share with guests how there are moments we must stand and find forgiveness within ourselves even when we have done something that most would find unforgivable.  Now a happy homeschooling mother with 6 daughters, a woman of faith, and wife to a man she met while serving her sentence, Ja'Nette has been speaking to various audiences about her experiences and lessons learned for 8 years, often visiting different prisons to share her messages on intrinsic value and the endless potential we all have to find joy and be at peace with our past.  

"My name is Ja'Nette Spencer and while in prison, I was known as Inmate 885648.  I used to think my value was like that number - something that could be specifically measured, based on a sliding scale that recorded the things I have done wrong and what I have done right.  Through my experiences of causing and surviving a fatal car accident while under the influence as a teenager, and the subsequent prison sentence that ensued, I went on a journey to discover what was left of my life that was worth living for.  I want to share what I learned about how we can move on from the most minor mistakes to ones that have devastated our lives and the lives of those around us, and find peace and joy again, or perhaps discover it for the first time. The capacity to do these things is right there, waiting within us.  Just like the most powerful condemnation of ourselves often comes from within, so does the ability to forgive ourselves our mistakes and completely and confidently move on."

My name is Ja'Nette. I was a prisoner and I am a daughter of God. I will stand. 

Please join Ja'Nette at A Reason to Stand to learn more about her journey of forgiveness. March 5th Boise Centre on the Grove. Reserve you seat

Original article


`bloggingmommii said...

In awe of you .. Thank you for sharing your story and your faith.

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