April 29, 2016

God loves all of us . . . sinners

I receive a lot of emails asking really hard deep questions. Today I decided this one needed answered for all of us. Since we are all sinners. We are all imperfect, and we all hope that someone is hearing our prayers.  We all long to be enough for the One who created us. And the truth of it all is . . . we are.


Hu.Ge.Lu said...

Hi Ashlee, Shelly from Utah again. I just watched your sweet, loving and encouraging message above. Thank you for that Beautiful personal sharing you always give. Right after I listened to your message I bumped into this sweet song on another blog I follow and I thought the song fit your message perfectly! (but I don't know how to just give you the link to the song so you get the short blog post too, sorry)
http://blog.oldfashionedmotherhood.com/2016/04/miracles.html I hope you like the song as well!! Love ya

Hu.Ge.Lu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hu.Ge.Lu said...

The deleted comment was me still trying to get you this link. But, I learned something and now have the link to the song!! I guess mistakes are worth lessons/skills learned!
Here you go
I hope this link works. It's a song about women being "miracles" made by a "God of Love who wants us by his side." Doesn't that sound fitting?

Hu.Ge.Lu said...

So I don't know what I am doing wrong to make the link work, but if you copy and paste it it will work. At least it did for me. Sorry to take so many posts, I just hope you enjoy it like I do.

Rocky Mackintosh said...

Just watched your story on Dateline. I am so impressed with your strength, faith, beauty and grace. Your message is powerful and so true. We have all had our struggles and experiences with loved ones who have let us down, and in some cases such betrayals have led us astray. Your message thatbGod loves us no matter what gives anyone the power to bounce back to the perfect rhythm and balance of His way. But so many can't see the path to freedom and truth that lies right in front of them.

Keep up the wonderful work you are doing, Ashlee. You have a gift that I'm sure has assisted many to find a way out.

God bless you.

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