April 4, 2016

Spread the love giveaway

I am excited to be part of a fun giveaway on Instagram this week. Please head over to my Instagram and check it out. 

The Giveaway

The Giveaway Begins NOW, and ends Sunday Night. We wanted to give as MUCH time as we could to let everyone fill the air waves with LOVE. The winners Will be announced Monday/Tuesday.

What is the giveaway you ask? We have come together with a wonderful "basket" of goodies for SIX lucky winners in this kindness loop. 

*To enter just follow the six instagram accounts and tag friends in the giveaway post and tell them why you love them.

The Basket: 

- One beautiful Custom design by the incredible Audrey from missaudreysuedesigns
- "The Power of Kindess", a book by Piero Ferrucci
- 50% off a Permanent Make Up procedure done by the lovely Tessie (tessief11) (Must be able to go to Utah for the treatment).
- A Ticket to the next conference given by Ashlee Birk from "The Moments we Stand”, and a set of her amazing books
- A Gratitude journal from the very sweet Ashley Sullenger
- The Premium Package for Tiffany Rudd’s challenge: This comes with Entry, Water bottle, T-Shirt and a real food meal plan.
- The blessing of knowing that you brightened someones day by sharing the love with them

The Team

Tessie Friedli

I'm the wife to a blind man and a mom to a brain injured angel boy! I NEVER imagined either of these in my "story" of life but I have learned that “Life Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Wonderful.” EVERY day is challenging and crazy but I am happier then I have EVER been. Through the heartache and pain that we ALL will experience…we eventually come to taste of the PURE JOY that we never knew existed. I believe with all of my heart that “Your future REALLY is as bright as your FAITH!”

Ashley Sullenger

We are a family of six with our daughter watching over us from heaven. Preslee passed away in 2010, due to an accidental drowning, and a year later we were blessed with our son Ledger. In 2013 we were shocked to learn Cruiz and Cannon (our twin boys!) were on their way. Feel free to cry along with us as we share our thoughts on grief, and laugh as we attempt to raise 3 boys, just two years apart. 

Tiffany Rudd

My name is Tiffany. I am a wife, mother of 4, eating disorder survivor, and the creator and host of the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. What started as a fun way for me and my friends to create healthy habits has become an incredible movement and community that I feel lucky to be part of. I absolutely love helping women break free from a yo-yo dieting cycle and emotional eating and create lasting healthy habits. I also blog delicious, family approved, clean-eating recipes at blog.feelgreatin8.com.

Miss Audrey  Sue

Hey! I'm Audrey. I draw, I read, I write, I play the piano. But mostly, I chase 2 little babes around all day while daydreaming about typography and what patterns mix, and what colors look good together. I also strive to be the best wife and friend I can...all while trying hard to not hate cooking dinners. I've blogged since 2008, designed blogs since 2012, and recently started creating prints to share and brighten the lives of those around me. I truly believe in the power of words and the positive impact they can have on our lives. Seeing a motivational quote on my wall or fridge or nightstand can make all the difference in my day, and I want that for you too!

Kelsie Stanfill

My name is Kelsie. I am a lover of all things beautiful. I find joy in the little day to day things and am completely fulfilled in my role as a wife and a mother. I can think of no greater joy in this life than to be the mother to my two beautiful daughters. Each day they teach me the greatest lessons life has to offer of love, patience and a Christ-like meekness and charity. I have a passion for kindness and serving those around you. If you think there is no service to be done, simply ask your Father in Heaven which of His children need you this day. 
In my "spare time" I am a DIY home makeover fanatic, transforming our "fixer upper" one room at a time. I love to design, create and see my visions come to life right before my eyes, with the support and skills of my darling husband by my side through it all.
My favorite color is white, my favorite food is Thai and Mediterranean. I love fashion, cheesy movies, and pretty much any and every Holiday. Any excuse for extra decorations and hosting parties, you can be sure I'm all in. Here on my blog I share my love for all these things, my DIY inspirations and how to's and my love of motherhood, my Savior and being a wife and homemaker. 

Ashlee Birk

And me. Incase you are new here: 
My name is Ashlee. Five years ago, just two months after the birth of my fifth child, my husband was murdered by the husband of a secret mistress. To say I was broken hearted would be an understatement. I was humiliated, scared, and broken to my core. For two years I faked life. I lived half alive. Then one day, not long after the month long murder trial that didn't bring the healing I had waited for . . . I took a breath. I looked around and realized that I had become a victim. I began to plead with God to set me free. Many months later a blog was born. "The Moments We Stand". Each post became an escape of the hidden pain. Each story remembered a blessing of grace to a broken heart. As I wrote my story I remembered it differently. Those times I felt alone all the sudden I could see grace...and knew that God was there. 

Two years later I am the author of two books. The Moments We Stand: Silence Breaks, and The Moments We Stand: Out of the Shadows. I am the founder of A Reason to Stand, a healing conference for survivors of trauma (which by my definition trauma is a moment where your life didn't go according to your plan and you were filled with lies about who you now had to be) 

I love life. I love living it with a purpose and meaning. I love helping people find their connection to God and the mission He sent them to earth to fulfill. 

Have fun spreading the love and good luck winning the basket! Have a beautiful and happy day!


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