May 13, 2016

Complement and Serve

When you get up early to mop the floor and your husband has already beat you to it...
We have been having a lot of talks lately about how we show/receive love and how service and complements can change a negative day for each member of our family. 
And action--for me-- is way more powerful than words. 
Do you know what your spouse's love language is? It makes a big difference. If you are showing them love and don't feel like it is being received (this has been us for years), watch how they try to show you love. It is usually not the way you receive it...but how they wished you would give it! 
Kids too!! Some love: words, time, service, gifts, touch. If you find a person's love languages it makes showing them love a lot easier. And you don't have to guess if they would rather have a foot rub, a late night walk, or a floor mopped. (Let's be honest...I will take all of these as love) 
But the point is...we all have to try! That's the hardest part of all. Stepping outside ourselves is not always natural--but so worth it when trying to strengthen anything that is weak. Especially a tired marriage! But don't wait for it first. Be the difference! You will be surprised how it changes broken hearts and sparks parts of love that have felt dormant. 
Happy Friday!!


Unknown said...

Beautiful Ashlee!!! I appreciate your posts, thoughts and words. I learn much from your blog!! I am the type of person that can apologize and admit when im wrong, oh but on the other hand if i believe im right i will argue my point and CANNOT shut up. LOVE thats whats it about, not being right. Im sure not raising my voice and just take a deep breath and let it go would help my cause. LOL GOD Bless You and Yours!! Thanks for another great post!! I love them all!!

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