November 9, 2016

Jordyn on her tenth birthday

(Birthday Breakfast with Jordyn this morning)

I remember the day we met. It was rainy outside. I was a little nervous. This world—of dates and meeting his child—was all new to me. With five kids at home, I thought my heart was already full. And then there you were. You looked just like my cabbage patch doll from years ago...only with sparkly eyes that told me stories. Since that moment I knew we were made to be together. You have had your ups and downs. Adoption, divorce...and then a new family. But you just kept shinning. Because that is what you do. Your personality is more like me than any of the children I saw take their first breath. You are brave—a warrior spirit. You know what you want and you never give up. Don't you ever let the world tell you you are different. You were created perfectly...unique and one of a kind. Your story is beautiful. You are gorgeous, you are smart and you are happy! Love you precious beautiful birthday girl! Thank you for making my life brighter and making me a mother again. Thank you for being one of the blessings of a greater plan. I didn't get to see you on the day you were born...I didn't get to pick you up and sign adoption papers. I didn't even get to see you take your first steps or say your first word. But it isn't blood or skin or papers that make a person part of a is love. And I love being your mom! 


Meghan said...

What a precious, beautiful girl!!! Happy Birthday Jordyn! "Thank you for being one of the blessings of a greater plan".... so touching! You are ALL such wonderful, faithful examples of what LOVE really is!! Thank you~

Unknown said...

So beautiful!! Happy Birthday Jordyn!! What a Beautiful Blessing You Truly Are!! Love the Post!!!

Unknown said...

So beautiful!! Happy Birthday Jordyn!! What a Beautiful Blessing You Truly Are!! Love the Post!!!

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