February 7, 2017

Day 9

The word of the day is genuine. How can you be even more genuine in your daily life? Complimenting...sometimes saying no. Being real in a world full of fake.


Anonymous said...

Ashlee, I was not one of the ladies from Melba who came up and spoke with you, I knew there would be plenty of others who would want to speak with you and I just didn't know what to say; all I could think was "Incredible". There are so many thoughts, how to make them coherent.........ugggg......I have told my family over and over how much I love going to "Time Out for Women" because I lived off the spiritual high for 3 days, then the other day I leaned over to my husband and said "is it just me or is this guy, giving this talk, saying all the right, perfect, most profound things and it feels EMPTY".....unfortunately, I feel that way quite a bit.......there are moments when the spirit overwhelms during a meeting but they are 'moments'. People will say it is 'just you'..........as a matter of fact my husband leaned back and with his sense of humor said "your just hungry". ha
I am not convinced it is 'just me' I am not doing anything different from what I did for the 'Time Out for Women'.........Getting to the point, the other night you made me feel like I was at 'Time out' the power of the spirit was so strong, I really believe Heavenly Father gave you a gift for expressing with sincerity and your own genuineness your experiences and the insights you have gained from him and I am grateful you are willing to take your own time and energy to share those insights with a lot of people who need them. I feel like I am a pretty confident person, some of my most spiritual times have been in times of adversity and so they have become the most precious. Yet, things you said touched me deeply, there were insights that I too needed. I think everyone willing to open their hearts to the presentation you give and the insights you share can walk away with something. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.

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