March 11, 2017

March 11th

Today was six years since my kids lost their dad. 
Yesterday I stood in front of a group of senators— asking them to remember our babies as they evaluate an amendment to the constitution that would help victims have rights. One thing I know for hard it is to watch your babies hurt, and have nothing you can do about it. 
Last year these five helped me create this video for a friend who had lost their dad. I always thought I would be able to give my babies a perfect world—but instead they have given me hope that good can still exist after the world let's you fall. 
March 11, 2011 you didn't break them. They are fighters. They have never been victims. To me they were always the strongest survivors.


Anonymous said...

What amazing children. I wish Emmett had realized all he had. I wish the best for your family.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful, strong woman who has raised 5 amazing children. I wish you and them a life of love and happiness.

Unknown said...

I saw your heartbreaking story tonight on Dateline. I'm so sorry for all that you went through, through no fault of your own. I'm so glad that you have been blessed with your new husband and beautiful children. Thank you for your strength and courage. You are an inspiration. God bless you always!

Unknown said...

Just watched your story on Dateline on ID and such a tragedy losing your husband this way. I don't think he truly realized what he had but you are an inspiration to many woman around the world. You are a remarkable woman and mother, happy you have found love and peace in your life. God Bless

Laura said...

I hope I can be as strong in faith as you. I just want you to know that I have a lot of respect for you!

meximoments said...

Ashlee your kids are amazing, you already know that... but I'm in awe of their faith and that's because they have you to look up to ! Your amazing!! Hugs!

Unknown said...

I just watched this video of your beautiful children. So heartfelt and touching. I'm so sorry for all your babies and you have went through. I hope you have finally found the love & peace that you so deserve with your new family ❤

Unknown said...

I'm wanting your 2 books very badly because you are incredible and an inspiration to me and all women. Great seeing your updated lives with your pretty children. I am wondering if you know the best place to get both books cuz I don't have Kindle or reading apps. Generally buy them in-person (old school way at a actual store and read the back before hand, plus don't use credit card online cause it is my husband's card) any advice where to look. I live in a small town in Indiana but 45 minutes from a bigger town has stores.but not even a Barnes and Noble if you can believe that... Target Walmart ect type stores. Thanks for your help.,

God bless you. I have 3kids of my own and have read your blog for the 1st x tonight for hrs and bookmarked your page.

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