March 24, 2017

Standing Beautiful

In a few weeks the twins turn twelve. It is so weird to be in a new phase of life and starting to talk about topics that are more grown up with my babies. But it has got me thinking...and researching...and wanting more in this world for my daughters. And I feel like my major in college—human development—and my minor—art...are wanting to hang out with each other. So I am working on a project for teens (and woman in general) that will help them to see beauty from the inside out and the outside in. I made a new instagram account @standingbeautiful that will be devoted to these ideas and talking about aligning spiritual, mental, and physical beauty—for overall self confidence and a balanced healthy life. My goal for this new project will be to help these girls of mine to prepare to grow up in a world that will tell them they aren't enough...over and over again. I want them to be confident in who they are. I want them to be proud of their gifts and talents and beauty. I don't want them to feel like they ever have to hide. It is my goal that they will grow up to be confident and bold...and live their truths—not only on the inside...but on the outside as well. So to go along with my challenge from yesterday on the blog, and the concept of balancing beauty both physically and mentally...I am excited to bring together concepts, thoughts, share products that work for me, teachings, and simple ideas that can help woman feel stronger, simple, happy, smart, confident and gorgeous...all in the same body. From makeup I books that have helped me navigate through fear of being myself. From simplifying concepts—to deep thoughts to keep us working through trauma and pain. 

Follow me on that new page on instagram . . . click here: Standing Beautiful
and Standing Beautiful on Facebook


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