May 28, 2017

Your story

Less than a week and we are in Nampa. What I love most about these events are the hugs I get, and the connection I feel to each one of you. A place to come where people understand, where I never feel alone.

Every single person that walks in those doors has a story. A story of heartache . . . a story of pain, and fight, and bravery. A story of triumph and failure. A story of fear, and loss, and overcoming. Because that is what life is: a battle of light and dark. A journey to find our purpose and connection to something greater than ourselves . . . finding strength beyond our own despite the traumas we face and the mountains we are asked to climb. We each have a story, as unique as our souls.

I never thought mine would be one I could tell out loud. And then one day I knew I had to. Not because it was going to be easy, or fun, or inspiring for anyone else . . . but because I knew I couldn't hide from it any more. Before I could write a new story with grace, I was going to have to love the broken girl I had been hiding from. For me, this journey has been the path I never knew I would need to heal the parts of me I thought I had lost forever.

So if you have a story . . . one you didn't plan, one that is still breaking you, one that you wished you could write again . . . come join us next Saturday, cause we have been there too. And I promise you some of the stories you will hear and tools you will learn will change you. These presenters are amazing and truly speak from their hearts. Stories of triumph, fear, pain, and overcoming . . . just like yours.

I am so thankful for each one of you. Thank you for helping me each day to find my purpose and strength. The support I have received these past six years has been empowering. I can't tell you what the kind words, encouragement and support has meant to me. I believe in each one of you, and am so humbled to be part of your lives in some small way and to be able to connect to something that is so much bigger than me. We are all united, and I feel your strengths. Thank you for helping me find mine.

For more information about presenters and the event please visit


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