November 30, 2017

25 ways in 25 days

Here is the flyer for our event on December 14th:

Day one, December 1st: 
"Freely you have received, freely give"

Ideas for day one:
-make someone dinner
-pay for the person behind you in line in a drive thru
-make a donation to a local food bank
-go through your closet and find the clothes you will never wear that someone else could use (to bring on the 14th!!)
-make a sacrifice for someone you love
-make a sacrifice for a stranger
-serve dinner for a shelter
-take cookies to your neighbor (possibly one who doesn't like you)
-leave a generous tip at dinner

There are so many ways to serve. As you think of what this quote means to you, follow your heart on the service that comes to your mind. I know you can #lighttheworld around you. 


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