April 15, 2016

A family worth blending


Unknown said...

Love this idea! Excited to see more.

David said...

Very inspired by both of you. So heartwarming too. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful- thank you for being a light and inspiration for us all! How can I find your You Tube channel?? I'd love to be a part of this amazing journey!

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the next one already. I need this like i need water.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the next one already. I need this like i need water.

Unknown said...


Kristin Rasmussen said...

This is awesome!! Blended family here and you said so many things that I've said myself :) I can't wait to hear more!!

MJSheppard said...

I always offered the disclaimer when introducing my family, "We are a blended family." I preferred that over "split family" label. After one morning of reading the scriptures, the part about grafting branches, it came to me! A GRAFTED family! ... and so that became my new introduction. I love it!

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