April 8, 2016

A message to Moms

As I was driving home from the store these thoughts were coming to me, so I had to share with any other mom who has ever felt overwhelmed or alone.

Have a great weekend. 


Danae said...

Thanks Ashlee! I went to the store today too with my two littles! And it's always so nice to hear a pep talk!

Stacie said...

Thanks for sharing! You had me in tears, as this really hits home for me. My daughters are older... One in Jr High and one in 5th grade. And there are times when I go to the grocery store when my little guy is in preschool and I too find myself wandering lonely in the aisles. I miss the "guess what mom?" and "look mom". I miss him and his company! So I selfishly try to go to the grocery store or run errands when he is NOT in preschool. Just so I can hear the little chatter of his voice coming from the back seat when he sees something out his window. They grow up in the blink of an eye, and I wish I could go back and enjoy my girls being little again. Because I would have enjoyed it more, If I knew then what I know now. If someone would have told me to not be a young stressed out mom, but to enjoy those days and moments a little bit more. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Ashlee!

Unknown said...
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Natalie said...

Thank you! I needed this reminder today! You are amazing and I look up to you and admire you beyond words!

The Andersens said...

You are awesome and so wise!!! 💜😍❤️😘💖💚 xoxo Lenaya

Unknown said...

I enjoyed this message! I have been a single Mom as well and it was so hard. The thing that my Son, who is 24 now remembers fondly is when I used to take them to Great Harvest after school to get free breed samples (I am not sure he knows it is because I could not afford to buy treats) My kids knew some of the hard things I went through, but I think the love and my efforts are remembered more than how hard things were. Thanks Ashlee for the great little snippet.

bizzymomma said...

I used to take up 3 carts to go grocery shopping. One was for groceries, and 2 were full of kids. I would push one cart of kids and pull the other one behind me. My oldest daughter who was 10 at the time would push the grocery cart. It was a fiasco at the time, but I have found memories of that time in my life. Thank you for sharing.

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